We when it comes to back strengthening exercises we like to keep to a very simple rule:
If it hurts during the exercise, or you pull up worse afterwards then it's best to avoid that exercise. If you feel better for doing the exercise, great, stick at it.
Not all back pain is created equal, some people respond to well to certain exercises, whilst others get immediate pain during or after carrying out quality back exercises. For this reason, we disagree with the notion that certain exercises are good or bad if you have back pain - the ultimate test must be how you, the individual respond to them.
The most common cause of persistent, chronic back pain is a weakened posture. Sure the lower back muscles become weak, however so do many other major muscles groups integral to supporting the lower back and its structures, especially when standing and moving in an upright position.
The problem with the generalised understanding of how to rectify back pain through a strength program is that focus is either:
The best exercises are functional compound movements that ensure that the weakened muscles assist in the resisted movement. Even if these movement patterns are carried out just with your own body weight until you build the required strength to balance and push or lift resistance with perfect form.
From experience, the majority of back pain sufferers either go too aggressive or too gently with their back exercises. There is the one group that go too heavy with poor form and pull up badly resulting in them quitting the back strengthening program. The other group stay at a gentle pace failing to add resistance that will provide them with the necessary gains to strengthen their body.
TIPS for success