The latest trend in stand up desks in preference to long hours seated at a desk has it merits.
Being the solution to ending back pain for office bound workers is definitely not one of them.
There are a lot of health benefits in standing for prolonged period as opposed to sitting:
Regardless of whether you suffer from back pain or otherwise, we strongly recommend that you vary your position throughout the day. Periods of time seated, standing and moving around the office.
If you suffer from back pain and looking to a stand up desk as the solution, unfortunately you will be met with the following concerns.
Therefore in the fight against back pain, there is no right or wrong answer as to whether you are best to sit or stand for long periods any position maintained for long periods of time with a sore back, with weakened postural muscles is going to result in a painful symptomatic response.
The most likely reason for your back pain and the postural weaknesses that created it was from being fixed in the same position for long periods on end. The muscles that should support you when you stand are weak and they need to be addressed in your lasting solution to back pain.
You need to carry out exercises to address your postural imbalances. The major muscles that support your weight when you sit, stand and walk are muscles posterior of your midline. The erector spinae, gluteus maximus, hamstrings and adductor muscles should be your focus.
Restore strength, symmetry and balance to your body and continue a regime to maintain it and you will find that regardless of whether you sit or stand for long periods, your back will be as strong as on ox.
At this point, you will find great benefit incorporating intermittent periods of time at your standing desk.
For more information and answers to chronic back pain, please refer to articles on our site.